with cara gibson


A 30-day challenge for mamas to grow wholly: spirit, soul, and body

You yearn for growth but you feel overwhelmed by work, kids, school, and just daily life.

You desire to have a close relationship with Jesus, a healthy body, and a sound mind.

The search can seem endless.  You want to make progress in your life but year after year you find yourself in the same place- or even have taken lots of steps backward.


Seeing other Mamas who are in it too that understand how busy being a Mama can be and still prioritize themselves without the “mom guilt” is my favorite part of this community. Each with an understanding of the importance of self care and how it truly gives you the energy to serve others better!

sloane b.

Our growth is important to God.

God is clear in His Word about personal growth for believers.  2 Peter 3:18 says, “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.”


Spiritual growth is so important to the Lord.  Why?  Without growth the relationship is stagnant or maybe even non-existent.  


Another reason growth wholly is important is because we want to attract others to Jesus.  This doesn't mean we have to have it all together or seem perfect- rather, people that know us can see progress happening and people that we meet can see there's something different about us.

ready to grow in the next 30 days?


30-day challenge where you will grow wholly without overwhelm

What does the challenge entail?


Private Community 


3 Live Bible Classes About Spiritual Growth, Mental + Emotional Health, + Physical Fitness


My 21-Day Devotional called, 21 Mama Hard


30-Day Workout Calendar with lots of Options


30-Day Faith-based Podcast Calendar


My Faith-based Cookbook, You Were Born to Eat


Welcome Guide with Steps to Get Started

A day for you! 

During the challenge, you will have the opportunity to earn a $100 gift card to the day spa of your choice.


Sacrifice for growing wholly is not in vain. 

our kids mirror us.

let's show them what growth looks like.

Cara Gibson

health coach, writer, teacher

Hi, friend! I'm Cara- an elementary teacher turned writer, health coach, and Bible teacher.  I absolutely love serving women by providing resources to help them grow in Jesus and get healthy + strong. 


My health coaching business was born out of a very hard experience. I had been overweight most of my life, tried every diet you can name, and saw some success but because I didn't learn how to fuel my body properly, all the weight just came right back when the diet was over. 


I was desperately seeking a solution in 2015, and that's when I found the incredible nutrition + fitness platform that I've been using for almost 8 years now!


Even after having my baby, I was able to lose the weight again and gain even more strength than before.


While I'm passionate about a healthy body and mind, my writing career was also born out of a difficult time.


I wanted to have a desire to read my Bible, but the truth is, I just didn't.


I knew that Jesus is the Word (John 1:1) and so, for me to grow in love with Him and have real relationship, I needed to want His Word.


I was honest with Him and told Him exactly what I'm telling you.  His response back to me was to read my Bible every day, whether I felt like it or not.  Most days, I didn't feel like it but I kept doing it.  I didn't feel anything different for a long while.


Then, I began to crave it.  Now, I can't go a day without it.  This is what I want to pass onto other women- a desire for His Word and growth in relationship with our Wonderful Counselor and Friend.

All the resources you need to get an incredible kickstart on your growth journey will be provided to you in this comprehensive faith + fitness bundle!

Simple + effective workouts you can do anywhere.

Several options for you each day so that your body gets the movement it needs without taking up too much time or have you feeling like you can't do it.

My 21-day devotional, 21 Mama Hard was written just for you!  You are the mama who's already doing hard things but you want to grow wholly instead of feeling drained every day.

We can make space for growth.  

It all starts with a decision.

Spiritual growth is key to living out our faith authentically, but what's also important are the two other parts of us: our minds and our bodies.


Romans 12:2 says, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is- His good, pleasing and perfect will.”


Mental + emotional health is crucial to living out God's perfect will for our lives- that's where the faith-based Podcast Calendar I've created for you comes in!


If you're anything like me, you've been taught all the wrong things about food- many foods labeled “bad” and have guilty emotions attached to them.  


That's why I wrote my cookbook, You Were Born to Eat.  A way to teach women that God created us to eat and to enjoy food!  All at the same time, we can eat + enjoy in a way that blesses our bodies without sacrificing deliciousness.